Tuesday, February 21, 2006

the greatest sentence ever written...

... and i had nothing to do with it ... SHIT.

anyway, i was reading on wiki about the Reverend Fred Phelps (this christian cult leader who believes God will blow up America on account of the gays) wrote a book with some wacked conspiracy theories. Here is the sentence (with one lead-in):

"Phelps also wrote a book in the 1980s with his son-in-law, Brent D. Roper, called The Conspiracy. In the book, Roper and Phelps claim to possess evidence that AIDS spontaneously generated in Africa; Truman Capote contracted the disease during an orgy with African tribesmen; Capote then gave the disease to John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe by playing football with them; and that the CIA assassinated all three to prevent the spread of the disease."

i don't know even know where to start, so i'm just gonna leave it up there and let people comment on it. anyone care to opine?